عنوان الموضوع : لتعلم الانجليزية 2
مقدم من طرف منتديات المرأة العربية

هذا البرنامج يعطيك معلومات عن اي كلمه تضعها معناها وتصريف الفعل لها والمرادفات لهذة الكلمه كذلك الكلمات التي تركب معها وغيره كثير

وهذة معلومات عن البرنامج:

Word*** is a cut-down version of the Word*** Pro that is free for personal use. It includes a comprehensive English thesaurus and dictionary, and can be used to look up words from within most programs. Features of the free version include:

Definitions and synonyms

Proper nouns

Related words

Pronunciations 140 000 root words

115 000 synonym sets
Look up words in almost any program

Millions of people from all over the world use this top-rated software.
The Pro version also has about 7000 more entries, plus word finding, anagram, editing, vocabulary-building and customization features.

Word Pro 4.5

Word*** Pro is a quick and powerful international English thesaurus and dictionary for ******s. It can be used to lookup words from almost any ******s program, showing definitions, synonyms and related words. There are also many proper nouns and usage examples. You can search for words matching a pattern, find and solve anagrams, and optionally search a large number of extra word lists.

Unlike any paper dictionary or thesaurus Word*** is truly a Word *** - each set of synonyms is linked to other related sets. Lookup "tree", click on the "Types" tab and you'll have a list of different types of tree. Click on "Part of" and Word*** will tell you that a tree can be part of a "forest" or "wood".

Unlike any online dictionary, Word*** allows you to dynamically filter words to find what you want. For example clicking on a sense number shows only synonyms and related words for that word sense. Clicking on the "Noun" button filters the synonyms to show you only noun senses, and double clicking on any word takes you immediately to its definition. It will also suggest the correct form for many common misspellings.

The fast easy-to-use program lets you:
Look up words in almost any program, including MS Word
Edit and add to the data****
Find words matching a pattern
Solve and find anagrams
Copy results to the clipboard
Cross-reference to other installed dictionaries and *** search engines
Search for words in a large number of optional extra word lists
Add your own custom glossaries
Configure for American, British, Canadian, Australian or Asian English
Option to hide (default) or flag vulgar and offensive related words
The extensive up-to-date dictionary data**** features:
Definitions and synonyms, including many compounds and proper nouns
Word relations: find antonyms, parts or types, less specific words, etc.
Over 123 000 synonym sets and 150 000 root words
70 000+ pronunciations, with pop-up hint pronunciation key
49 000 usage examples
View alphabetically nearest words, suggestions for common misspellings


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