عنوان الموضوع : What is the treatment of anemia in pregnant
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What is the treatment of anemia in pregnant

Anemia during pregnancy

What is anemia?

Anemia is a deficiency in red blood cells that contain hemoglobin, which is the carrier's important for kids as a prisoner E. Lee all over the body and this deficiency leads to a sense of apathy and fatigue. Decrease in red blood cells occurs because of lack of E. in its composition or the increase in the fracture. This Alkhala O is manufactured in the bone marrow and spinal live for four months.

For the production of red blood cells the body needs for iron and vitamin B 12 and folic acid. E. The lack of an event in the Sun or all of these materials Fa n the patient becomes anemic patients.

What are the red blood cells?

Red blood cells are Alkhala you that in the blood plasma (liquid) and gives blood its red color. And the heart to pump blood all E. Lee a champions throughout the body through the arteries. Red blood cells draw oxygen from the lungs and carry E. Lee all the cells of the body.

Cells use oxygen in chemical reactions and use glucose and fats in order to provide the body with energy. During this process, called oxidation which produces carbon dioxide, which in turn is linked to red blood cells and is transmitted to the lungs through the blood vessels are disposed of through exhalation.

Causes of anemia during pregnancy:

Many suffer from pregnant mothers suffer from anemia due to increased demand for iron and other vitamins during pregnancy. Given the need for the fetus of nutrients that are significant and of iron and vitamins, the production of red blood cells during pregnancy increases to provide the necessary nutrients to the fetus. The volume of blood in the pregnant mother more than 50% for non-pregnant mothers and the increased need for the fetus and placenta and the changes that occur during pregnancy. This increase is caused in turn to reduce the blood and is the focus of hemoglobin in the blood a little, especially among the twenty-fifth week of pregnancy and thirty. Because of these changes, pregnant mothers need to be supplemented with iron and vitamins during pregnancy to prevent anemia.

There are other causes of anemia during pregnancy, including the following:

A meal that contains a small percen***e of iron especially people who rely on only vegetables in their diet

Lack of folic acid in food or vitamin B-12 and the latter is rare.

Whether suffering from bleeding hemorrhoids or the patient's stomach ulcers.

Must also not forget that the pregnant mother that anemia is frequent in mothers who become pregnant without enough rest between pregnancies and the other, as frequently occurs in pregnant women who become pregnant Ptwam or three.

What are the symptoms of anemia during pregnancy?

If the pregnant mother suffering from the symptoms of anemia, it means that the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood is less than 8 grams per dl.

The first symptoms of fatigue, fatigue and pallor of the body. Other symptoms are palpitations, difficulty in breathing and dizziness. If anemia is severe - less than 6 grams per dl - the patient may suffer from chest pains and severe headaches.

What can be done in order to avoid the occurrence of anemia during pregnancy?

- Eat food varied and useful.

- If you plan to get pregnant seek advice from your doctor about the quality of the food needed to be addressed during pregnancy.

- The most important sources of iron in the liver of food and red meat, eggs and fruits.

- Follow the instructions of the doctor in exchange of iron and folic acid, vitamins and keep taking them.

- To increase the absorption of iron from the intestinal tract, lot of acts of foods that contain plenty of vitamin C, which is found in fresh vegetables, lemons, oranges and potatoes.

- Food that contain folic acid, liver, mushrooms, legumes, and others.

How can a doctor diagnose anemia during pregnancy?

In addition to the symptoms the previous doctor can diagnose anemia through the analysis of a sample of blood taken at the first visit for prenatal care, this analysis re-seconds in the second half of pregnancy. And show results of the analysis the proportion of hemoglobin in the blood and the volume of red blood cells and red blood cell count and non- from the results that your doctor knows. Is the work of a special analysis to determine whether the pregnant mother suffering from sickle cell anemia, especially if the mother-infested areas of this genetic disease.

Possible complications of anemia:

Difficulty in breathing, increased heart palpitations and pains in the chest.

Disease and severe anemia caused by severe bleeding after birth may require a blood transfusion for the patient and this in turn may bring complications for the mother.

How is it treated doctor anemia during pregnancy?

The doctor examines the pregnant mother and then write a treatment for anemia, such as vitamins and iron. Iron tablets can cause constipation or diarrhea in the patient and some mothers simply do not intake at all.

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